New Delhi (PTI): The Central Information Commission has directed the CSIR to bring NET examination papers of previous years, kept under wraps till now, in public domain to improve the overall "processes" of administering and undertaking of exams in the country.
Central Information Commissioner Shailesh Gandhi in his hard hitting order had asked CSIR to provide the information free of cost to the appellant before April 25.
Refuting the CSIR's contention that "if question papers are in public domain the scientific interest of the State will be affected", the CIC said, "transparency will only improve all institution and processes".
Disallowing the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research's (CSIR) contention that disclosing the examination papers would "expose the CSIR examinations system", the CIC in its order said, "if a student can really master all fundamentals of the Science and Technology portion, no exam system can really want to test anything else".
Good direction. Incidentally to note that CSIR in its Departmental Exam (DTQ) for Asst. & SOs not allows the candidate to take away the question paper. It is also not publish the marks.