न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
Medical Checkup of canteen employees - Regarding.
Award Scheme for writing original books/reviews in Hindi on subjects pertaining to Income Tax, Excise and Customs, Service Tax and Narcotics
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Subject: Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue Award Scheme for writing original books/reviews in Hindi on subjects pertaining to Income Tax, Excise and Customs, Service Tax and Narcotics from 01.10.2008 to 30.09.2009
Books pertaining to Income Tax, Excise and Customs, Service Tax and Narcotics written or reviewed originally in Hindi during the period from 01.10.2008 to 30.09.2009 will be accepted for consideration in the Department of Revenue upto 20 October, 2009 for the following prizes:-
Scheme for Books written originally in Hindi
First Prize (one) - Rs. 25,000/-(Rupees twenty five thousand)
Second Prize (one) - Rs. 15,000/-(Rupees fifteen thousand)
Scheme for Book-review in Hindi
First Prize (one) - Rs. 8,000/-(Rupees eight thousand)
Second Prize (one) - Rs. 6,000/-(Rupees six thousand)
1) Should be a citizen of India.
2) The books should be written/reviewed during the period from 01.10.2008 to 30.09.2009.
General Terms
Persons participating in these schemes shall observe the following conditions and they will be governed by the following:-
I. Published books as well as manuscripts will be accepted under the scheme. The published books/manuscripts should have been published written during the prescribed period only.
II. Persons who are willing to send their books for consideration under the above-mentioned scheme are requested to send six copies of their books and two passport size photographs along with the enclosed proforma duly filled by 20 October, 2009 at the following address:-
Director (OL),
Ministry of Finance, Department of Revenue,
Room No. 264-A, North Block,
New Delhi – 110001
III. The books/manuscripts received in the Department shall not be returned.
IV. The books/manuscripts received after the last date shall not be entertained. The Department of Revenue shall not be responsible for any loss of book or delay in post.
V. The copyright of the awarded book shall remain with the writer.
VI. Only those books that have been written originally in Hindi will be accepted under this scheme.
VII. The book should not have been written under any other Government Scheme.
VIII. The book should not be a Hindi translation of book written in any other language or published earlier by the writer.
IX. In case the book has been awarded earlier by the Government of India or a Union Territory/State Government, a mention to this effect should be made in the application form.
X. In case the book/manuscript has been written by more than one person, the amount of prize money would be divided equally amongst them.
XI. The Department of Revenue has the exclusive right in the selection of person for the award.
XII. No correspondence regarding awarding of the prize or its process would be entertained.
XIII. The Department of Revenue has the exclusive right to make any change in the Scheme.
XIV. The Additional Secretary (Revenue)/Joint Secretary (Revenue) may forward the book to the Evaluation Committee for consideration.
XV. The awarded persons would get the prize money and a citation, which will have to be printed in the next edition of the book.
XVI. Information regarding the prize would be given well in advance by the Director (OL)
(Madhu Sharma)
Director (Official Language)
Telephone- 23095365
264-A, North Block, New Delhi
आयकर, उत्पाद शुल्क एवं सीमा शुल्क, सेवा कर तथा नारकोटिक्स से संबंधित विषयों पर हिन्दी में मौलिक पुस्तक लेखन योजना एवं पुस्तक समीक्षा योजना
(01 अक्तूबर,2008 से 30 सितम्बर, 2009 तक)
1. (क) लेखक का नाम:
(ख) पदनाम:
2. पुस्तक का नाम:
3. पुस्तक का विषय:
4. प्रकाशक का नाम, पता व प्रकाशन का वर्ष:
5. पुस्तक लिखने का कार्य सम्पन्न करने की तिथि(माह-वर्ष):
6. मैं एतद्द्वारा प्रमाणित करता/करती हॅू कि:-
(1) ------------------------------- पुस्तक मेरी मौलिक रचना है ।
(2) उक्त पुस्तक--------------------------------- के बीच में लिखी गई/प्रकाशित हुई है ।
(3) मेरी उक्त पुस्तक का विषय मेरे द्वारा किए जा रहे/किए गए कार्य से संबंधित है।
दिनांक:- लेखक के हस्ताक्षर