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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sharing of monies realized with staff

Sharing of monies realized with staff:-
(1) Contract R&D, IP and Kb licensing and technical services: - DS is 15 % of total project cost or net surplus (remaining after accounting for all direct & indirect expenditure for the activities.) whichever is less where the money is being distributed on or after 1st June 2005. However, for arriving at distributable amount, the cost of equipment and capital investment are excluded from the total project cost.
(2) Honorarium for consultancy service: - DS is upto 2/3 of the fee portion or of net surplus whichever is less.
(3) Premia/royalty received from licensing of Kb:-


Monies realized through licensing

Through NRDC

Directly by Lab.










Pattern of distribution:-
(1) Contract R&D, IP and Kb licensing and technical and Kb services



Innovators & principal contributors


S&T and other staff who contribute direct inputs to the specific development/ activity


Remaining staff of the laboratory


CSIR welfare Fund (maintained at Hq.


Innovators & principal contributors: - scientist & other S&T staff who have provide innovative, developmental. Design engg. Experimental, data/ information, testing/ analytical, repair/ fabrication, training and business development/ marketing inputs
(2) consultancy services:- permissible amount of Hon. Or 300 % of the manpower charges levied, whichever is less
Team of consultant - 65%
Other S&T staff - 15%
Supporting staff - 15%
CSIR welfare Fund - 5%
Team of consultant: - such staff members who provide intellectual inputs to the specific consultancy work
Other S&T staff:- Gr. III & IV staff, research fellows/Associates who assist the team of consultant with S&T, information, computational, economic and marketing inputs to the specific consultancy work if there is no staff under this category the share of it will merge with team of consultant.
Supporting staff: - remaining staff. The director shall have flexibility to group the ‘supporting staff’ as
(a) those who contributed directly to the consultancy and;
(b) the remaining staff
The director can also apportion between the two groups (a) and (b) above, the honorarium earmarked for the category of ‘supporting staff’. The distribution of Hon. To the group (b) staff is to be uniform for a salary scale and is to be done once a year; however any supporting staff included in group (a) of a consultancy shall be excluded from group (b).

Condition for sharing of monies:-
(1) A formal cost accounting has been put in place and notified by the lab.
(2) A legally valid agreement has been executed for IP licensing/ contract R&D/ licensing of tech. Etc.
(3) The lab. Has fulfilled its obligation in the assignment in accordance with term of agreement.
(4) All the monies/fees due have been received in full.
(5) The client has not contested CSIR’s fulfillment of its obligation as defined in the contract/ agreement.
(6) In the event of any legal action/ dispute necessitating refund/ payment of monies/ fees by the CSIR to the client, the amount paid to the staff is recoverable.
(7) Sharing of monies is not permitted in the projects that are not wholly funded (total project cost) by the client. Partially funded projects are not eligible for sharing of monies.
(8) Sharing of monies from projects that have been foreclosed or where there is short receipt of funds or where dues are not recovered fully is not permitted.
(9) The portion of the monies/ fee earmarked for the remaining “remaining staff” in case of contract R&D and other is to be uniform
(10) A person is entitled for a share for the monies/fees even in the event of his transfer/ retirement/ resignation from CSIR. In the event of death of a person, his legal heir shall be entitled to his/ her share of monies/fee.
(11) From 1st June 2005, there is no ceiling on the amount of hon. Receivable by an individual from licensing of IP and Kb as well as contract R&D and TS. In case of consultancy work the mandays devoted by the individual in a financial year should not exceed 50 mandays.
(12) A member of the consultancy team shall have the option to forego his/her share, which shall than lapse to the CSIR welfare fund.
(13) Any distribution made in disregard to the prescribed procedure and guidelines shall be deemed as unauthorized and liable to recovery with 12% interest.