CSIR vide OM No 5-1(3)/2008-PD Dt. 4/10/2008 implemented the 6th Pay commission recommendation in CSIR in line of DR.Vikram Kumar committee recommendation except
(1) Non Functional scale 0f 8000-275-13500 to SO/ PS from 3/10/2003 instead of 1/1/1996
(2) Grant of Central Secretariat Official Language Services scale to Rajbhasha staff wef 1/1/2006
(3) Withhold of implementation in case of Gr IV & Director (only interim payment of Rs 50000.00)
The 10% of the additional expenditure will be met out of LRF.
For Detail Please visit:- here
(1) Non Functional scale 0f 8000-275-13500 to SO/ PS from 3/10/2003 instead of 1/1/1996
(2) Grant of Central Secretariat Official Language Services scale to Rajbhasha staff wef 1/1/2006
(3) Withhold of implementation in case of Gr IV & Director (only interim payment of Rs 50000.00)
The 10% of the additional expenditure will be met out of LRF.
For Detail Please visit:- here