Licensing of intellectual property:-
IP: - patents, copyright, trademark, design & computer software.
(1) unencumbered:-
(a) In- house development. Ownership & licensing vest in CSIR
(b) Through contract R&D and subsequently rendered unencumbered as per agreement. Ownership & licensing as per agreement
(2) Encumbered: - Through contract R&D with total/ partial finance support & with/without technical support from client. Ownership & licensing as per agreement
Licensing of IP : - granting licensee the right to further develop the IP or to utilize the IP to make the resulting product(s) either for commercial/ captive purpose or as otherwise agreed to.
Financial aspects: - varies on case to case basis on the following factors:
(a) Cost of Development:-
(i) cost of
(a) Deployed CSIR staff mandays as per CSIR prescribes rate and
(b) Temporary staff deployed at actual cost + 40 % OH
(ii) Cost of consumable raw materials/consumable/ physical inputs/services/utilities with 25% OH (toward
expenses for purchase, storage, handling etc.
(iii) equipment usage cost/ cost of equipment procured specially for the projects :-
(a) Existing one to be charged on pro-rata based on as annual usage charges upto 20% of cost of equipment and installation. Where cost cannot be ascertained the charges are to be decided by CA.
(b) New equipment is to be charge with an additional procurement and handling charges of 5% of the cost of the equipment.
(iv) Contingencies including external payment for facilities/services
(b)Cost of securing the IP: - with minimum floor price of 5 Lakh per IP. Concession in exceptional circumstance with approval of DG
©Cost of maintaining IP
(d)IF: - charges for CSIR investment over a period of time, in building up and sustaining the extent level of expertise, knowledgebase and facilities. Charges should be commensurate with quantum and quality of CSIR’s resource input and also the likely benefits to be derived by the clients on implementation of the project results
(e)Service Tax on (a) to (d)