Recovery of dues at the instance of Audit:-Inaction on part of National Institute of Oceanography, Goa in recovering rent and electricity charges etc., resulted in accumulation of dues amounting to Rs.47.71 lakh for over 17 years of which Rs.31.53 lakh were recovered at the instance of Audit.Avoidable expenditure on electricity for staff quarters: Failure of Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad to get separate electric connection for its staff quarters despite assurance given by CSIR in July 2003 resulted in avoidable expenditure of Rs.32.70 lakh from August 2003 to March 2008 due to payment of electricity charges at commercial rates for residential staff quarters.Activities of Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar: Although Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology developed 35 technologies from 27 projects, it failed to transfer and commercialise a single technology. There were shortfalls in achievement of targets for generation of revenue and filing of patents. Project documentation was weak in respect of in-house projects. Intellectual fees and service tax amounting to Rs.29.20 lakh was under-charged in a number of consultancy projects which indicated lack of internal controls. Delays in the range of 6 to 63 months were noticed in installation and commissioning of 26 imported equipment. Management Council did not meet for the mandated number of times and monitoring at higher levels was inadequate.Development of technologies on batteries/cells and their commercialisation by Central Electro Chemical Research Institute, Karaikudi :Technologies/processes developed under nine disciplines of major R&D programmes could not be transferred to industries due to non-existence of demand from industries and deficiencies in technology developed thus rendering expenditure of Rs.3.72 crore by Central Electro Chemical Research Institute unfruitful.Activities of Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute, Kolkata: Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute (CGCRI) could not reduce its dependence on government grants which continued to remain at 74 per cent. During the period 2003-08, CGCRI transferred six technologies. However, premium and royalty earned by transferring the technologies was not commensurate with the cost of development of these technologies. CGCRI could not achieve the target fixed for publishing research papers. Project management in CGCRI was deficient as a result of which projects objectives remained unachieved in many important projects.Total report