The workshop was inaugurated with a thought provoking lecture by our very knowledgeable, esteemed, newly appointed J.S (Admin.), Dr.K.Jayakumar. I strongly feel that he is one of the leaders we will be proud of, having him at CSIR. He was assisted by Ms. Kutty, a senior retired bureaucrat, who has been appointed as consultant by CSIR to revamp CSIR administration and some senior HR professional from Hewitt Associates, Ms Sharmistha (Head at Hewitt Academy for Strategic HR, India) and Mr.Shiv.
From onset, the core of workshop was defined as complete revamping of CSIR Babulog bureaucratic structure, their role re-definition, evolution of babulog in a new awatar, administrative process re-definition. And the purpose of the workshop is to identify the areas of change and process of change by inviting ideas from every stakeholders, and identification of those CCO's (of course voluntarily) who can help in bringing out change.
After some discussion, the leader and motivators found that we as CCO's know that change is inevitable and we are bound to be a part of it. Who will tell them that we always felt the need of change and growth, as far I can remember, both at carrear progression and process automation front. In the year 2001 Mr.D.K.Chakraborty the then Dy.FA presented his dream of process automation of accounts procedures. Then during 2004-05 a plan of e-grid was floated upon and feedback from various labs were called upon before tenders for 'expression of interest' were invited. Recently too, our FA Ms.Sheila Sangwan stressed on the need for latest and modern ERP software for finance processes automation. In a nutshell we always need changes in these fronts and are eager for it but the question is only when it will come. The difference I felt this time, in the present approach, from earlier ones, is that the question of carrear progression and, cadre merger/ demerger and process of automation are merged in a bigger and one idea. The other difference is the pace of approach for cadre restructuring and cadre revamping. Here lies the catch point, the basic motive of organizing the workshop.... is it really for revamping and reorganization of administration at CSIR or just some shadow exercise to implement some hidden motives expressed at workshop in " between the line" statements.
Anyway some predetermined groups of CCO's were formed on and tasked with to came up with ideas of change of they desire, with logic behind it, how to effectively implement it and how the group can help in achieving the change. Apart from some diverse ideas, every group is unanimous about need of adoption of best practices, better carrear progression, better training (MoU have been singed with Amity and Manipal for providing MBA degree to staff of CSIR), specific role definition of CCO's, process automation, incentive for performance and some fringe benefits on the line of CSIR scientific staff.
On the question of fringe benefits, there comes the story of apples and oranges. It was reminded to CCO's that apples and oranges are two different category of fruits and they can't be treated at par and should not be mixed together. To be treated at par with apples the oranges must specialize themselves as MBA, CA or CS. Who will tell them that the oranges do have their own benefits by providing immunity and flexibility in system. It also helps in normalization of pressure(flow of establishment function) and prevent heart attack(collapse of system).
Some other aspects of restructuring and revamping were discussed at the workshop and also will be discussed on at some other labs in future also. But one thing I am very sure about that our new J.S and his team is very genuine and honest in their approach to problem and also welcome free flow of information and ideas.
One more thing I would like to mention here that by expressing my observation on my Blog is to provide alternate, informal and new platform of communication on the subject area as it can be accessed by any one 24 x 7 for discussion , i feel that this kind of a platform is still lacking in the present approach although JS (Admin.) did mentioned its need . During the workshop for the first time I did mention about my Blog, to which I got a positive response. Some seniors who had viewed my Blog occasionally with the help of fellow colleagues expressed their inability to view it periodically. So it's my humble request to all the tech friendly followers of blog to kindly guide them in bookmarking the blog and how to update it regularly and how to put comment on any post. I am looking forward for it and appreciate all your encouragement.
Last but not the least we also witnessed the gracious presence of our esteemed & honorable DG-CSIR, Dr. Samir K. Brahmachari and his noble, simple, straight and blessing thoughts. That came as a great source of encouragement for all of us.