CSIR has formulated and operationalized 92 projects for the XIth Five Year Plan. These have been categorized into supra-institutional projects (32), network projects (44), inter-agency projects (6) and facility creation projects (10).
The Mid Term Appraisal recognized that CSIR has emerged as a model organization leading in cutting edge science on one hand and providing end to end technological solutions for economical and societal goods on the other. CSIR has refocused and reprioritized its R&D activities of XIth Plan responding to policy changes. Eight areas have been identified for focused R&D, deriving synergy. These are: Affordable healthcare; Sustainable energy; Chemistry & Environment; Smart & Functional Materials; Engineering structures/design and electronics; Earth System science; Information Technology and CSIR – 800 (S&T interventions for the masses.)
The Mid Term Appraisal recognized that CSIR has emerged as a model organization leading in cutting edge science on one hand and providing end to end technological solutions for economical and societal goods on the other. CSIR has refocused and reprioritized its R&D activities of XIth Plan responding to policy changes. Eight areas have been identified for focused R&D, deriving synergy. These are: Affordable healthcare; Sustainable energy; Chemistry & Environment; Smart & Functional Materials; Engineering structures/design and electronics; Earth System science; Information Technology and CSIR – 800 (S&T interventions for the masses.)