| Prevent High blood pressure | | Prevent Heart attacks |
| Prevent Angina | | Prevent Diabetes |
| Prevent Renal failure | | Prevent Loss of vision due to retinal problems |
| Prevent Early cataract | | Prevent Amputations of foot |
| Prevent Liver failure | | Prevent Strokes |
| Prevent Paralysis | | Prevent Cancer of the mouth |
| Prevent Cancer of the tongue | | Prevent Cancer of the throat |
| Prevent Cancer of the cheek | | Prevent Cancer of the food pipe |
| Prevent Cancer of the stomach | | Prevent Cancer of the voice box |
| Prevent Cancer of the large intestine | | Prevent Cancer of the colon |
| Prevent Cancer of the breast | | Prevent Cancer of the lungs |
| Prevent Iodine deficiency thyroid problems | | Prevent porous bones |
| Prevent fractures in old age | | Prevent falls in old age |
| Prevent joint problems | | Prevent looking older than your age |
| Prevent depression and dementia | | Prevent Diarrhea, infections |
| Prevent Heart failure, irregular heart beats |