Contract R&D:- All R&D activities undertaken and executed under specific contractual arrangements agreed upon for the purpose. The projects should fall within the purview of approved research areas of the laboratory. It includes:-
(1) Sponsored R&D:-
(a) Fully externally funded having specified R&D objective. (Exception to full funding of SSP could be made with the approval of CA for specific nationally relevant projects related to defence, health, social welfare and the like)
(b) Well defined expected project output/result
© culminating into generation of IP/ Knowledgebase.
(d) Can also include process design and engg. , process modeling & simulation, application of computational methods , developments of software etc.
(e) Can be multi-clients also
(2) Collaborative/ cooperative R&D:-
(a) Partially funded by the client
(b) Supplemented by provision of inputs such as expert manpower, engg. , Production/ fabrication of product in bulk for testing/ trials, creation of infrastructural inputs etc.
© could be in advanced areas of research, for upscalling /proving of laboratory level know-how, technology development or generation of IP etc.
(d) Output/ result definition depends on nature of the project.
(e) Can be multi-clients also
(3) Grant-in-aid R&D:-
(a) projects involving a grant by way of financial inputs , either full or in parts , assistance in kind e.g. equipment, training etc.
(b) To supplement laboratory efforts in ongoing or new R&D projects or for creating new capabilities/ facilities.
© For generating database, sophisticated equipments for testing and infrastructural facilities.
Financial aspects:-
(1) Direct expenses:-
(i) cost of
(a) Deployed CSIR staff mandays as per CSIR prescribes rate and
(b) Temporary staff deployed at actual cost + 40 % OH
(ii) Cost of consumable raw materials/consumable (chemicals, glasswares, stationary, raw materials, component & other store items) with 25% OH (towards expenses for purchase, storage, handling etc.
(iii) Cost of physical inputs/services/utilities (water, steam, gas, electricity, workshop, drawing office etc.) with 25% OH (towards installation, maintenance etc.)
(iv) equipment usage cost/ cost of equipment procured specially for the projects :-
(a) Existing one to be charged on pro-rata based on as annual usage charges upto 20% of cost of equipment and installation. Where cost cannot be ascertained the charges are to be decided by CA.
(b) New equipment is to be charge with an additional procurement and handling charges of 5% of the cost of the equipment.
(v) TA/DA:-
(a) at CSIR rates with exception to reimburse total expenditure with prior approval of Director
(b) Air travel to non-entitle G.S on functional basis & if it is expedient to do so in public interest.
(vi) Contingencies including external payment for facilities/services
(vii) Others (if any)
(2) Intellectual fees: - charges for CSIR investment over a period of time, in building up and sustaining the extent level of expertise, knowledgebase and facilities. Charges should be commensurate with quantum and quality of CSIR’s resource input and also the likely benefits to be derived by the clients on implementation of the project results. Should in no case be less than 40% of total expenses excluding the cost of equipments and other capital investments at the cost of client. For cottage and small scale units (as per govt. definition) the minimum IF could be waived with the approval of CA. Not to be charge in case of Govt. funded & sister lab. project.
(3) service tax on (1) & (2)
Project charge = (1) + (2)
Total project cost = (1) + (2) + (3) (exception to full funding of SSP could be made with the approval of CA for specific nationally relevant projects related to defence, health, social welfare and the like)
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