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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pension Anomaly- representation thereof

Interest on Sixth CPC arrears clarified

Interest on arrears of Sixth Central Pay Commission deposited by Government servants in their General Provident Fund (GPF) account has been clarified. The OM dated August 30, 2008 contained the guidelines on fixation of pay and payment of arrears apart from the instructions allowing employees to deposit the arrears in the GPF account. It was, however, not clear whether such arrears so deposited will earn interest or not.
In this connection, it is clarified that the OM dated August 30, 2008 does not specify otherwise and as such the amount of arrears deposited in the GPF account will earn interest. Such interest will be payable from the date of deposit in the GPF account. (Department of ExpenditureOMF. No. 1 / 1/ 2008 IC dated December 30, 2008)

SpecialCLto Central employees with disabilities granted

Special dispension in the form of Special Casual Leave granted to the Central Government employees with disabilities have been revised. According to the recommendations of the Sixth Central Pay Commission, the number of casual leave (CL) available for employees with disabilities should be 12 days as against 8 days for other employees. The government has decided that the additional benefit of 4 days leave is to be granted in the form of Special CL.
Accordingly, the Central government employees with disabilities as defined in the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opport-unities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 are to be granted Special CL for four days in a calendar year for specific requirements relating to the disability of the official.
This order takes effect from September 1, 2008. (Department of Personnel and Training OM No. 25011 / 1 / 2008 Estt. (A) dated November 19, 2009)

Date of Next Increment - Clarification Dated 13th March 2009

Subject: Date of next increment in cases where Government servants are not able join posts in a particular grade pay on promotion/appointment on 1st of January of a year due to Sunday or Gazettd holiday -clarification rega:ding.